The Christian leadership qualities of our patron saint, Saint Jude, coupled with our mission statement, encourage our students to grow in their faith, courage, vision, and commitment to “impossible causes."
Saint Jude the Apostle School, in support of our Parish Mission, will educate our students in an ever-changing society by our commitment to quality instruction in spirituality, academics, social behavior and responsibility, emotional strengths and independence, and physical interaction with others, based on Christian values in a Catholic school environment.
By ever-changing society we mean to recognize that technology is rapidly changing the methods of how we teach, e.g. formerly emphasizing "wealth of recall" to the current emphasis on "processing information and problem solving" and that students are brighter by virtue of exposure to this technology before entering 4K.
By spirituality we mean instructing our children to lead God-centered lives through leadership and example. Through studying the teachings of the Gospel and Christian doctrines, students learn to live life as Jesus did.
By academic we mean instruction to provide a strong foundation in reading, writing, mathematics, fine arts and related subjects, accomplished by challenging students at all levels. Our goal is for students to develop the ability to solve problems, make decisions and achieve a higher level of thinking.
By social we mean to instruct our students to interact effectively and properly and respect others and property, as well as cultural diversity.
By emotional we mean fostering self-esteem and self-perception in relation to others. We will strive to help our students develop independence to work on their own and gain strength to function properly within their peer groups.
By physical we mean to provide instruction in maintaining a lifetime fitness philosophy, good sportsmanship and skill development in a variety of individual pursuits and team sports.
The Christian leadership qualities of our patron saint, Saint Jude, coupled with our mission statement, encourage our students to grow in their faith, courage, vision, and commitment to “impossible causes."
In the Catholic tradition of education, Saint Jude the Apostle School, in partnership with parents and the parish community, aims at both academic excellence as well as the growth of the whole child. Our mission focuses on preparing our students for their high school experience and subsequent leadership in the community. While providing a secure environment and fostering a positive self-image, we respect each student’s God given talents, needs and potential as Christian role models for the future.
734 Glenview Avenue
Wauwatosa, WI 53213
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