Welcome to the St. Jude Prayer Network!
St. Jude the Apostle is the patron of our parish community. The Church honors and invokes St. Jude universally as the patron of hope. We ask St. Jude to bring hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most. We invite you to bring your prayer request to our parish online St. Jude Prayer Network.
Post your prayer request by filling out the form below. All prayer requests and your first name will be visible to the public.
Please pray for the requests of those in need posted here on the St. Jude Prayer Network:
For a dear friend who just received a breast cancer diagnosis. May God watch over her and her family as they navigate next steps and grant them strength over the coming months. ~Anonymous
St. Jude Family - Please pray for us on our continued adoption journey. Having gone through years of infertility & now adoption - this journey continues to be so incredibly long & hard. We could use your fervent prayers for support & strength, but also for our precious match as it is being orchestrated. We appreciate your kind support, prayers & love. ~K & J
My son is jobless and consequently undergoing depression and lost confidence. He is unable to try for a job. Pray that he recovers and gets a job immediately. ~Francis
Please pray for all who have come to the US seeking refuge and are now fearful of being deported. ~M
Please pray that my intractable back pain due to spinal stenosis and spondylosis can be relieved so I can stand and walk distances. ~Judith
We pray for Mary Ann who was in a serious car accident, for a total recovery from ingury. ~Helen
Please pray that my intractable back pain due to spinal stenosis and spondylosis can be relieved so i can stand and walk distances required to live life. I am so grateful for your prayers. ~Judith
St. Jude, please intercede for me that the spot noticed at a routine check-up disappears so I don't need a biopsy. ~Anonymous
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Wauwatosa, WI 53213
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